Published: 14 Aug 2024 333 views
Skoll Scholarships provide funding for social innovators who are interested in undertaking an MBA to enhance and broaden their skills for more effective social change. The scholarship covers full MBA course fees and provides partial living expenses.
Beyond financial assistance, scholars join the vibrant Skoll Scholar community which offers an opportunity for lifelong learning and connection with other social innovators. This scholarship recognises the financial strain an Oxford MBA may pose, especially for those committed to social impact and innovation over purely commercial or public sectors.
Rhodes Trust is a global organisation and we use our deep connections across the world to bring together people of different backgrounds and viewpoints. We encourage them to openly debate, challenge each other�s thinking and generate new ideas. Cecil Rhodes expected his Trustees to adapt his plans to respond effectively to changing circumstances. Soon after his death his Trustees created several more Scholarships for Canada than he had done. The adaptation continued through three Acts of the British Parliament and other important changes to his will � ... continue reading
Scholarship benefits are:
Course fees and
Scholarships are awarded to candidates with a strong track record in social entrepreneurship and who intend to continue creating positive social impact after their studies.
Eligibility for the Skoll Scholarship
1. Entrepreneurial action
2. Creating Impact with a focus on systems change
3. Personal qualities of a social entrepreneur
4. The Oxford MBA is critical to your career trajectory
5. Financial need
*“Apprenticing with a Problem”, a term we borrowed from Jessamyn Shams-Lau at the Peery Foundation, refers to someone developing a deep understanding of a problem they did not live through themselves, e.g. by working in the field, working at a related organisation, conducting research, etc. A simple example of someone apprenticing with a problem is a teacher who has gone on to start an education-focused non-profit.
You must submit a complete MBA application and the Skoll Scholarship essay document by the deadline. The essay document can be found in the 'Funding' section of the MBA application form.
Deadline: 6 January 2025.
For more details visit: University of Oxford website.