Published: 04 Sep 2023 581 views
This is a 20% fee waiver for alumni of any Goldsmiths department. This value will be added to the existing 10% alumni fee waiver, making it a total fee waiver of 30% of the home student fees. International students are also eligible, and the value of the award will be equal to 30% of home student fees. Exclusions and adjustments based on other awards held may apply.
Goldsmiths, University of London is ranked 501 in World University Rankings by Times Higher Education and has an overall score of 4.2 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.Goldsmiths is internationally known for creativity and innovation - a reputation backed up by the highest academic standards, and over a century's membership of the University of London. ... continue reading
This is a 20% fee waiver for alumni of any Goldsmiths department. This value will be added to the existing 10% alumni fee waiver, making it a total fee waiver of 30% of the home student fees. International students are also eligible, and the value of the award will be equal to 30% of home student fees.
All Goldsmiths alumni who are progressing to one of the following postgraduate programmes are eligible to apply:
Please note, this cannot be combined with the Goldsmiths Excellence Fee Waiver. Please also see our general eligibility criteria and regulations.
The fee discount will be applied automatically after full enrolment has been completed.