Published: 01 Sep 2023 969 views
Applications will then be considered by an awarding panel. All panel members understand that applicants will have a broad range of differing skills, attributes and experiences, so they will give equal consideration to both the applicant’s academic record and their answers to the questions posed in the award application form. Panel members also understand that what is important is the content of the answers and their relevance to the questions, not the standard of writing.
Goldsmiths, University of London is ranked 501 in World University Rankings by Times Higher Education and has an overall score of 4.2 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.Goldsmiths is internationally known for creativity and innovation - a reputation backed up by the highest academic standards, and over a century's membership of the University of London. ... continue reading
£3,000 for each year of study on your undergraduate programme, or £3,000 for one year of your PGCE programme at Goldsmiths
Please note that two awards will be reserved for applicants nominated by Open Book. Open Book aims to break down barriers to higher education by working closely with a network of agencies to support people from a wide range of backgrounds, such as ex-offenders and those who have struggled with addiction and mental health.
Initial shortlisting by eligibility criteria will be completed by our Scholarships Co-ordinator. All applicants who meet the eligibility criteria are then forwarded to the next selection stage.
Applications will then be considered by an awarding panel. All panel members understand that applicants will have a broad range of differing skills, attributes and experiences, so they will give equal consideration to both the applicant’s academic record and their answers to the questions posed in the award application form. Panel members also understand that what is important is the content of the answers and their relevance to the questions, not the standard of writing.
The panel will consist of representatives from Admissions, Widening Participation, and an academic department. The panel will assess the applications against the stated criteria.
Final award recipients and reserve candidates will be decided by the panel.
Scholarship payments will be made in January, March and May in terms 2 and 3 after completion of the first term. Scholarship payments will be made using the Higher Education Bursaries and Scholarships Scheme (HEBSS).