Published: 07 Aug 2024 401 views
The Oxford Saïd Future Leaders Scholarships are prestigious new awards, introduced in 2024, to honour the achievements and support the ambitions of our brightest and best MBA students, who will go on to become future leaders in their different fields. They are supported by Wafic Saïd and the Saïd Foundation, with the aim of supporting the School in its pursuit of excellence in research and teaching and learning.
Rhodes Trust is a global organisation and we use our deep connections across the world to bring together people of different backgrounds and viewpoints. We encourage them to openly debate, challenge each other�s thinking and generate new ideas. Cecil Rhodes expected his Trustees to adapt his plans to respond effectively to changing circumstances. Soon after his death his Trustees created several more Scholarships for Canada than he had done. The adaptation continued through three Acts of the British Parliament and other important changes to his will � ... continue reading
A range of awards, typically up to £40,000, contributing towards course fees.
Number available: Typically up to 50 per year.
All MBA applicants are eligible.
No additional application required. We will use the details you supply in your MBA application form to determine suitability.
There is no fixed application deadline.
For more details visit: University of Oxford website.